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Bed time Routine…

so I’m starting to feel bad that next week I wont see the girls as much during the week.  I will have to get up early and be home in time for bath and bed.  So I have started getting back into reading them stories after bath time.  I love that they want me to read but sometimes I;m like really this book again for 600th night in a    I am looking for some new favorites if anyone has some suggestions.  Here are the girls favorites (im trying to include pictures as well):

Go Dog Go! by Dr. Seuss

Girl of Mine by Jabari ASim

IF I WERE (a tag junior book )

I love you through and through

Polar bear polar what do you hear?

I love that each of the girls tries to read their favorite parts.  or probably just recites them from memory but it’s still adorable! now if only they would stay in bed and go to sleep!!!!