Mr. Clean incarnate

My significant other is many things but I think he channels Mr. Clean the most.  I know some of you maybe thinking are complaining because he cleans?  No.  I love that he will make the house sparkle and shine .  BUT we have decided that he cleans and I stay out-of-the-way or do one assigned task at  a time.   All of this is simply  because  he gives me bad flash backs of my mother when I  was growing up.

My mother would have me clean something, vacuum the dishes sweep whatever, but it was never right enough so she would get frustrated and do it herself again or make me redo it until it was perfect..(maybe it is a Libra thing because they are both Libra’s?)  well he does the same thing..he just “re-organized” the top of the refrigerator because he said everything was up there and it seemed i go back and sneak a peek, he took off two things and then eve so carefully folded the plastic of the bread ends down and laid the other bread on top….sorry i missed one…

Then there are the times I say don’t worry I’ll get this as soon as the girls are asleep, his reply, “don’t worry about it, ill do it” ok so I wait and then nothing, but if I wait for him to do it, then something is muttered about letting it go….Wait a minute I think I got it.. isn’t that the trap we use?  LOL

Despite all of the “flashback” issues i have I really am grateful every time my own “Mr.Clean” shows up.  Without him I would have to listen to my mother lecture me every time she comes over!!!  So hats off or is it earing off? to my wonderful Mr. Clean, I am sure you will be finding a way for me to rectify this now that you know I am blogging about this!

About simplys

Mother of 2 girls aged 2 1/2 and 16 months. Work in retail and looking for an outlet to express myself.

Posted on March 15, 2011, in Family and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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