Daily Archives: May 2, 2011

Cramped in space and in my wallet….

So it has been about 3 weeks since my brother-in-law has moved in.  He is nice, cleans up the house good with the kids and has given me money to help out.   Which all of the above are greatly appreciated…however I feel like I have no space.  I can’t watch my shows because he is always in the ;living room and between him and the kids and them using the Wii I feel like im intruding…  Usually I would watch via the Playstation 3 but since the network is down..thats a no-go.  Then there is the issue of 3 adults and a potty training toddler needing to use 1 very small bathroom.     Needless to say we definitely need to look for a bigger place.  However I am waiting to see if I get this job.  If so that will make it easier to move in terms of money.  If not then I guess we stay here in this crappy area and just try to find a bigger place that we can afford.  and I’m hoping that if we all stay on budget we can afford a decent sized place with 3 bedrooms and hopefully a little alcove for my computer and a porch/backyard.  I  would really like a first floor because it has been forever since i have had no stairs to climb!!!!  back to looking and hoping!!!!!